I've always found it ironic that this library calls itself "Semantic UI" but doesn't follow the practice of semantic HTML/classes[0]. W3C suggests[1] that classes should be used for semantic roles (e.g. "warning", "news", "footer"), rather than for display ("left", "angle", "small" -- examples taken from Semantic UI's docs). So instead of giving a button the class of "button" it would be better to give it a class such as "download-book." The benefit of this is when it comes time to redesign parts of a site, you only have to touch your stylesheets instead of manipulating both the stylesheets and HTML. That is, so we don't fall into the old habits of what amounts to using tags.

0. https://css-tricks.com/semantic-class-names/

1. https://www.w3.org/QA/Tips/goodclassnames

The concept of 'semantic classnames', even if propagated by w3.org has caused as much grief as the concept of 'separation of concerns' between HTML & CSS fad. The reason we need semantics in HTML is to make the markup accessible for screen-readers, and no screenreader considers the class name of an element when reading it out. What we instead need are semantic tags like article, section etc. and aria tags like role.

CSS classnames are purely for the developer's benefit. Not the user's. And as developers, forcing ourselves to find semantic meaning for every element we write leads us to component-oriented CSS like BEM. Which is a fine thing, but we can also use purely visual classes - like `bg-red bold border-solid` if it helps (and it does. check out tachyons.io)

The class names of elements in Google's homepage for example reads like 'tsf-p', `oq`, `gsb` etc. I suspect these are machine generated. Same with Facebook. One of the best libraries to do this currently is styled-components (https://github.com/styled-components/styled-components).

Consider reading http://nicolasgallagher.com/about-html-semantics-front-end-a..., http://mrmrs.io/writing/2016/03/24/scalable-css/, and http://johnpolacek.com/2016/06/17/atomic-css-movement/ for reasoned perspectives.