Vue.js is a step backwards, relative to React, in my opinion. What I love about React is JSX (or TSX if using TypeScript). JSX is a combination of JavaScript and HTML syntaxes. You don't need to learn a new syntax in order to incorporate loops and conditionals in the view layer, thanks to JSX: you just use JavaScript. More importantly, you get compile-time verification. If you use a JavaScript variable in JSX and someone deletes that variable you find out about this issue at compile time. This is very important for large projects that multiple developers are working on together. Angular and View.js don't have this capability and that's a very serious shortcoming for large projects.

I love React but you're completely wrong here. Vue has JSX support as well JSX isn't a React thing anymore. Most Virtual DOM solutions offer JSX.

Styling React components is a huge pain. What I like about Vue is the awesome styles, HTML and js in one file for each component. With React projects I have a completely seperate styles folder.

Styled components solves this problem very nicely