This is exactly how undo works in Emacs out of the box. Personally, I prefer to install the undo-tree package and manually browse through the tree of undo paths. I'm not sure why this author finds a tree unacceptable for this purpose.

Additionally, emacs will filter undo/redo’s to changes within a region. If you select a region (no new command to learn) and use undo/redo, it will only perform those that affect text completely within the region. This is a superpower that delights me each time use it.

Yes! Having regional undo is super useful sometimes. I switched from emacs to vim a long time ago, but still miss this feature (although not enough to go searching to find an equivalent vim plug in I guess). Lazy web?

Well if you want to return to Emacs, I can attest as a former long-time vim user that the emulation layers for vim modes in Emacs are fantastic! They're really the only good part of vim, as the configuration language was always a bit less desirable than elisp, imo.

I've tried in past but always found the vim modes to be a bit lacking. My last attempt was probably 6 or 7 years ago though so maybe worth another shot!

There is a very opinionated and batteries-included "Vim-y" Emacs called Doom [0]. A decent way to approach this if you don't want to start writing elisp outta the gate to have fancy editor features is to learn enough of the Doom config to tweak it to your liking, then add some elisp customization in as needed. I personally use this approach, usually cribbing config and elisp tweaks from the top contributors' configs.

The Evil layer that Doom and most everyone seems to use for Vim modes works really well, and has a lot of ways to tweak things (e.g. changing `j` to `gj` for going through line breaks in normal mode; I forgot what that setting is called...).

There is something to be said by bootstrapping your config entirely from scratch instead of using a "config framework" like Doom, but that can be too daunting and end up preventing one from trying things out.
