Is PureScript nice to use again? Tried it a year or two ago and it relied heavily on Bower and I had a hard time getting anything to work on Windows - lots of Bower errors and such. I tried it a few years ago and got it to work, but in that case getting Halogen to compile the most basic app just stuck the compiler into a freeze for minutes, so I gave up. But I am not shitting on PureScript, it looks like a fantastic way to develop JS apps, and I'd love to use it.

I'm also wondering the same thing, after the whole Elm meltdown I've been looking for something similar to learn on the side.

I've been recently looking into some of the new WebAssembly based web frameworks, specifically yew for Rust[0], and I'm having a lot of fun with it. You get a lot of the same compiler guarantee's as Elm, with a familiar syntax if you're already used to writing Rust. It's still rough around the edges though.
