Getting anything out of a subshell that isn't from STDOUT is impossible. So you can't define an array in a subshell and then use it outside the subshell, and you can't return an array (or anything that isn't a string) from a subshell. If you only use subshells and want to use any kind of data structure that isn't a string passed from STDOUT, you have to do it globally. And subshells are slow. So nobody uses subshells.

If you use Bash for programming, you have to stop thinking in terms of the holier-than-thou software engineer, whose ego believes that a superior, "clean" design makes a superior program. You should embrace globals. You should switch between using or not using the enforcement of set variables or program exit status. You should stop using Bashisms and subtle, obscure language features unless you absolutely have to.

Bash is not a "real" programming language, so do not treat it as one. Do not look for hidden features, or try to do things in cute ways that nobody else uses. There is no superior method or hidden knowledge. Just write extremely simple code and understand the quirks of the shell.

This reminds me of the arguments made against writing “real” code in JavaScript in the early days of the web, until Crockford came along and wrote “The Good Parts.” There is no reason to think that a few idioms and curating features could go a long way to leading to a much better, less hacky paradigm for bash shell scripting.

Bash is much older than JavaScript. If it was going to turn into a real programming language, it would have by now. It hasn't.

Also, JavaScript really is not a very good programming language. We are just stuck with it because it's the only language the browser understands. (Well, until recently: things are going to change with the introduction of wasm).

But for the shell, we're not stuck with any one language. Whatever you want to do can be programmed in your favorite language. You can easily write a python script instead of a bash function.

> things are going to change with the introduction of wasm

people have been saying this for years already and nothing seems to have come of it :(

I've seen some pretty interesting things like the use of Rust for front end development, like yew[1] and Seed[2].

There aren't many languages that are practical for WASM output. Scripting and managed languages need to ship their interpreters and runtimes with their WASM blobs, and can end up relatively large. JavaScript's interpreter and runtime are baked into every browser already.

That leaves only compiled and unmanaged languages for potentially good WASM targets. As mentioned before, Rust is seeing a lot development in that space. If LLVM can compile it, then Emscripten can output it to WASM.

