Why this is important (for those uninitiated):

- Ghidra is basically the first real competitor to IDA Pro, the extremely expensive and often pirated state-of-the-art software for reverse engineering. Nothing else has come close to IDA Pro.

- Ghidra is open-source, IDA Pro is not.

- Ghidra has a lot of really cool features that IDA Pro doesn't, such as decompiling binaries to pseudo-C code.

- It's also collaborative, which is interesting because multiple people can reverse engineer the same binary at the same time -- something IDA only got VERY recently.

Think BinaryNinja has been acting pretty effectively as a competitor to IDA Pro. Its much cheaper than IDA, has a good API and I have been a very happy customer.

Being open-sourced is a big advantage. I just fixed a bug in GHIDRA relating to trackpad scrolling which makes it MUCH more usable for me. I could never do the same with IDA or Binary Ninja.

I do so love the shell code compiler of Binary Ninja, though. It works very well and has definitely saved me a lot of time.

Awesome! Please don't forget to submit it as a pull request once the code's on GitHub.