Somehow a lot of these blog posts seem to get the fine technical details of the marketing speak wrong.

> Docker recently changed the license

From my understanding this is related to Docker Desktop not Docker. I'm pretty sure Podman can't replace Docker Desktop. This is also what the linked website says.

Or did I miss something?

And in the linked Blog post it says

> Docker was dropped from Kubernetes.

which from my understanding is also incorrect, because it's the docker-shim which is deprecated (not dropped) and Docker inc could probably make Docker Engine CRI compliant.

Podman can replace docker desktop. It doesn't have the same GUI but it does have the capability to run containers via familiar CLI commands on a variety of OSes, connecting to (and in some cases provisioning through podman machine) a VM when required

I also think that it's more than safe to say that K8s is dropping Docker when they've deprecated it as a container runtime

You can also run regular docker with vagrant instead of Docker Desktop. This seems to be the way you can replace Docker Desktop with Podman:

There was Kitematic for Docker, I think it was independent, but it's owned by Docker now and they shut it down.