I'll just add my 0.02 and say that for writing games, at least, I cannot imagine a better language than Swift, unless it's a slightly better version of Swift.

Combined with SpriteKit/SceneKit/GameplayKit/Metal, it's a decades-long dream come true.

And Metal with its Swift/C++14 shaders is an actual modern graphics API, not stuck on C like Vulkan.

Interesting, where can I read more about that comparison?

You can read the documentation in https://developer.apple.com/metal/ , which includes a link to all WWDC videos.

Vulkan is basically a C API, defined at https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/

There is a C++ wrapper, originally designed by NVidia, https://github.com/KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Hpp, but it isn't part of the specification as such.

Likewise the shading languages are either GLSL or HLSL, although in theory others could be created for SPIR-V.

Of course, Vulkan has the benefit of GNU/Linux, Desktop Windows (not on UWP) and about 14% Android devices (optional in 7+ versions), but middleware engines make it kind of irrelevant.