If any CEO of recent times deserves it, it's Satya. He's brought Microsoft back from the depths of unsexy!

Isn't he chiefly responsible for turning MS into another Google - spying on its so-called customers for even more profit? He must have at least winked in through.

He did push hard on open-source some neat products like PowerShell, Visual Studio Code, etc.

IMO, I would have never guessed 10 years ago that Microsoft would acquire GitHub.

VScode is not open-source.

And the open-source version (VScodium) does not support some of the most useful features like remote dev (https://github.com/VSCodium/vscodium/issues/196)

"it appears to be a deliberate licensing choice by Microsoft to not allow use of the Remote Development extension pack with vscodium"

Microsoft is doing the same vicious trick as Google with Android, Fushia, etc. : "guys we're cool, we're open source blabla" which attracts lots of people & dev, but then it quickly becomes full of proprietary blobs, telemetry & spyware.

Sure there is still the open-source part (AOSP, VSCodium, etc.) but we all now how unusable AOSP is without all the proprietary stuff.

The same thing is happening to VSCode, MS is adding telemetry, proprietary parts and the most useful extensions are from MS and not compatible with the open-source version.

Microsoft is just using open-source as a marketing buzzword.

VSCode is open-source except for 3 recently-introduced extensions, and your comparing it to Android is unfair.

VSCodium main claim to fame is that it is vscode with the telemetry removed, not that it is vscode with the proprietary parts removed. There are no proprietary parts to remove. My experience running VSCodium is that it feels just like running a vscode binary downloaded from Microsoft (namely, from https://code.visualstudio.com/download). For example, you can use VSCodium to install extensions from Microsoft's "extension store" -- with the sole exception of the 3 recently-introduced proprietary remote-development extensions. The fact that VSCodium has been hosted on a site owned by Microsoft (namely, Github) for many months is strong evidence that VSCodium is not violating Microsoft's copyright and that consequently any coder can get the MIT-licensed code at https://github.com/microsoft/vscode and build his own vscode that works just like one of Microsoft's binaries in almost all ways.

The 3 aforementioned proprietary extensions are not included in the vscode binary you download from https://code.visualstudio.com/download: a user has to explicitly install one of the 3 (or the "extension pack" which causes all 3 to be installed) after installing the binary, so after reading this thread a user is not going to accidentally start using proprietary parts of vscode.

VSCodium describes itself as "binary releases of VS Code without MS branding/telemetry/licensing". That last word refers to the fact that the binaries at https://code.visualstudio.com/download have a more restrictive license than the source code at https://github.com/microsoft/vscode. I don't understand why MS's lawyers felt the need for a separate licence for the binaries, but any coder can escape that license by building vscode from the source code, which is MIT-licensed.