Don’t overthink it!

Keep it traditional baby all you need is vim and tmux.

The initial learning curve for these sorts of cli apps is a bit steep, but it’s a lifelong skill and easily learnable for any competent developer.

Writing code is 1000x more difficult than learning vim philosophy and memorizing some key bindings.

Since I do all my editing in terminal, I just have a portable environment in a git repo. It has an install script that soft links all my scripts and config files to the appropriate locations. My work environment comes with me everywhere!

What is the advantage of using vim these days over VS code, Sublime text or JetBrains to upload on save through ssh?

Even if you took years to get vim right, I still don't think it matches to the other 3 for programming.

What is your vim setup like?

The only place I use vim is for config editing on servers but not for programming.

(Neo)Vim starts up much faster than every IDE, takes up way less RAM, doesn't fill half your screen with buttons and toolbars, allows powerful modal editing with completely customizable keybindings, is very programmable, and can be used on pretty much anything that has a screen, including a phone.

> (Neo)Vim starts up much faster than every IDE, takes up way less RAM

Why do you care how long it takes to start up? It's either few seconds or 15 seconds a few times a day.

People usually have enough RAM with a machine bought in the last 5 years and I don't see any buttons that fill half the screen? Most of the screen estate is folder tree or the code.

Vim key bindings are everywhere it's not just for vim and I never code on phone.

15 seconds may seem like not much, but it's enough to go from “I have an idea, let's code it up” to “okay, I've cooked some tea in the meantime… what did I want to do again?” And Neovim's instant startup enables a workflow where I can just shut it down when I don't need it.

Good for you that you're not a student having to use a cheap laptop for everything and sometimes not having access to it at the moment. Not everyone is so fortunate.

Look at the first screenshot in the official VSCode repository, for example: Only about 20% of the screen is taken up by code. That may still be somewhat usable if you keep it fullscreen, but I prefer to have a 50/50 split with the web browser.

Most Vim binding plugins are a complete joke. I've heard that Emacs gets it right, but that's not what we're talking about.

I forgot to mention, Vim can be used for every language, including very obscure ones. With JetBrains, you need a separate IDE for each language — if there even is one.