I'm a big, huge fan of recording what should have happened instead of recording every typo and forgotten semicolon in your history. There's a difference between draft commits and published commits. When I'm reading published commits, i.e. history, I just want to know your intent, not your typos. So what are the tools that Fossil offers to make sure I don't have to see your typos in the history?

I'm also a big fan of not deleting data. I don't like squashing commits, for example. But I also want to be able to see high-level intent.

If instead of "squashing", it were "grouping", I'd be happy. I could encapsulate a bunch of messy commits that I made while I didn't know what I was trying to do. The intent would be clear at a higher level, but if you want to dig in to see what it actually took me to achieve that, you can see all my experimentation by looking at the commits inside the group.

Groups should be able to be nested, of course.

The only way I know how to achieve this in git is my relying on no-fast-forward merges. There's a post detailing this approach [1], but unfortunately a lot of git tools don't support this workflow that well. I haven't gotten it to work well in gitlab, for example.

[1] Git First-Parent-- Have your messy history and eat it too : http://www.davidchudzicki.com/posts/first-parent/

You misunderstand me. Almost everyone does. I do not think you should squash all of your changes into a giant hairball commit, and I don't think first parent (which is effectively the same thing) solves this problem either.

I think each of your commits should be individually rewritten until each commit makes sense and tells a single, indivudal story that makes sense on its own, while at the same time be completely atomic and as small as possible.

You created a new function? That's one commit. Take a moment to explain why this function is going to be useful in future commits.

You called that new function from several new spots? That's another commit. Explain why each of these calling sites requires this function.

You decided that there had to be some style and whitespace changes? That's another commit. This one can go without explanation.

You found an old bug along the way that can be fixed with a one-line change? That's another commit. Hey, nice catch. Perhaps a few lines about this bug and why your small change fixes it?

Together, these are all individual scenes of a larger story. But the larger story doesn't need the behind-the-scenes of how you came up with these scenes. I don't need to see all your drafts of each scene. I just want the final scenes that make up the final story.

Ideally it should be this way, but it's impractical in reality.

It requires that you either stop your development workflow to commit as you go along, or that you untangle all the pieces after they're already entangled.

If you commit as you go, it's an expensive mental switch to fire up git and also run all the tests (since surely part of this workflow is to apply the principle that no commit should ever break the build). You also take an extra productivity hit every time you change your mind about something a little later (e.g. you added the function getFoo() but realize it should have been called findFoo()).

If you work for a while and then try to bundle up small, atomic changes, that can also be very difficult. Tools like git group together contiguous chunks of changes when committing, and prying them apart later can be difficult. I often do this with a combination of "add -p" and then "stash save -k" to temporarily get rid of things unrelated to what I'm committing, but it's a chore. During a selective "add -p" session you have to mentally keep track of what belongs together, thus what dependencies are between every chunk you're adding.

Committing as you go is easier, but it's slow, and doesn't work well when you're working across many files with a big change that introduces new semantics in a lot of places. Both techniques require that you keep track mentally of which parts are related, of course.

Untangling is what I mostly do. I consider the untangling my own internal code review. I need to read my own diff and figure out what goes where and what each part does and why it's necessary. My commit messages are then my own code review comments.

I figure if I don't carefully read my own diff, why would anyone else? And once it's untangled, I am hoping others will find it easier to read too.

Git doesn't provide as many tools as I would like to make this process easier. It's partly why I don't use git. Mercurial's absorb command helps a lot: it absorbs changes from your working directory into the appropriate draft commit that corresponds to the same context:


Wait, it appears someone finally ported it to git:
