Khronkite is another "honorable mention" for KWin tiling and I prefer it over the one mentioned in TFA:

With KDE+X11 it's trivially easy to change the window manager away from KWin and still get the benefits of suspend/resume, multi-monitor auto-configuration, wifi, system tray, etc, by just setting the KDEWM environment variable in your profile.

But with things moving to Wayland, etc, this simple swap out method isn't possible right now, so I've been keeping tabs and playing with Khronkite and KWin-tiling every so often for when I inevitably swap over to Wayland. It's basically a perfectly serviceable tiling WM OS without having to deal with any of the screen locker, systray, R&R, that Sway et al force you to contend with yourself. Most of the setup is in unbinding system defaults + rebinding window management shortcuts in to better "places".

I still use KDEWM=/usr/bin/i3 equivalent for now.

You may want to have a look at Bismuth . It's the successor to Khronkite.