Hey, author of OctoSQL here, happy to see it submitted and happy to answer any questions!

Great work. If you could run it as a server that other applications could connect to (e.g. over JDBC or some other common protocol), you would have the makings of an open data virtualization platform.


Definitely considering adding a server-mode with Postgres wire protocol compatibility.

It's tricky for the more dynamic/dataflow'y parts, as OctoSQL is able to give you a live updating output table (which Postgres wire protocol doesn't support), but I can go with a similar approach as Materialize[0] does for those use cases - creating a live-updating materialized view that you can query from.

That said, for now I'm still concentrating on the overall local usage experience and ergonomics, there's still much to improve there.

[0]: https://materialize.com

Materialize is really neat, also checkout https://github.com/mit-pdos/noria. It inverts the query problem and processes the data on insert. Exactly like what most applications end up doing using a no-sql solution.