> As rows are inserted, updated, and deleted in the database, the cache is kept up-to-date in real-time, just like a read replica. No TTLs, no invalidation logic, and no caching infrastructure to maintain.

This is so freaking neat. Caching is one of the harder things to get consistently right and even if this was a tool that had TTLs+API to invalidate it would be cool but not even having to worry about that is even better.

PlanetScale continues to be an awesome service that lets you not worry about your DB and instead focus on your application.

My only wish for PlanetScale would be a few more (lower) tiers. Their free tier is very generous but has a few little things (like more than 1 dev/prod branch) that aren't supported and I always feel antsy about not having a prod-like DB for qa/staging. I normally use 3 branches and the free plan only supports 2, which I think changed, I thought I used more than 1 dev branch before I started paying.

I have a very burst-y application (it's for events, so it ramps up a few months before the event, then is crazy for 2-7 days during, then usage drops to pretty much 0 for the next ~9 months), I'd love to lower my costs for those 9 months (I could look into downgrading to the free plan but I'd rather pay just a little less and have my quotas drop accordingly). In the end PlanetScale is still worth it for me at $360/yr so I'm not complaining too much. For smaller projects I just worry about using the PS free tier since if I go over those limits the jump is steep ($0->$30/mo), that said I might be overthinking it.

See also the Event-Reduce algorithm which is a more lightweigt version of the similar principle. https://github.com/pubkey/event-reduce