As an engineer that worked both at google and Facebook, I vastly prefer googles monorepo on perforce. Combining that with citc was pretty solid way to develop your project.

Hg is a bit of a nightmare in the wfh situation. Really slow, hangs for a long time if you haven't synced in a few days. Yes, im sure there are ways to tweak, but not sure if you can tweak them enough!

As a fellow Facebook employee, FYI, Hacker News is not a great place to get tech support.

For the benefit of everyone else on this thread, note that Facebook uses From the README:

> Despite having originally evolved from Mercurial, EdenSCM is not a distributed source control system.

i.e., this is not "stock" Mercurial. For example, the Eden server (Mononoke) is written in Rust and the complementary virtual filesystem is written in C++. This has very different performance characteristics than real Mercurial.

EdenSCM works with both EdenFS (the custom filesystem) and a traditional filesystem. If you use EdenFS, pulls will be much cheaper because you only fetch what you use. If you use a traditional filesystem, EdenSCM supports the same "sparse checkouts" feature as stock Mercurial (, which can also be used to reduce the size of the slice of the monorepo you pull down.

Last I checked, Perforce (and Google's "implementation" of Perforce, Piper) did not provide nearly the same level of support for stacked diffs as Eden. As both Google and Facebook have cultures of pre-commit code review, working with stacked diffs makes it much easier to make progress while waiting for approvals on earlier diffs.

I believe there are relative advantages/disadvantages of Eden vs. Piper+CitC and that both projects aspire to have the best of each in the limit.