I'm not sure what you mean by posting just this link. But I'll repeat what I've been saying for a while. The Rust ecosystem is making significant advances toward building what I believe will be a world class GUI toolkit, but we do not yet have a mature, usable solution, and getting there will take time. There are no shortcuts either, though it is possible to get something working by lashing together existing pieces.

I obviously consider Druid to to be one of the most promising approaches, but even that aside there are other projects that could become a solid GUI toolkit, including Iced. I also encourage people to look at Makepad, as it does a lot of innovative things and emphasizes priorities such as small binary size and fast compile time.

As someone not at all involved in Rust but interested in its progress, I think this is an important milestone to hit.

In most orgs that I've been a part of, no language tends to meet the standard for consideration until it has been the core of at least one very large public software project.

A functioning GUI toolkit is likely a major barrier to that happening in Rust.

Until then, we know it exists but doesn't pass inspection for inclusion. So far the largest things we know of built with it are Servo's CSS engine and the NPM authentication service.

> In most orgs that I've been a part of, no language tends to meet the standard for consideration until it has been the core of at least one very large public software project.

> So far the largest things we know of built with it are Servo's CSS engine and the NPM authentication service.

Here are some others, for your consideration:

* Dropbox's storage layer: https://dropbox.tech/infrastructure/extending-magic-pocket-i...

* CrosVM is an important part of ChromeOS https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/platform/crosvm...

* Firecracker is the underlying tech of AWS Lambda and Fargate https://firecracker-microvm.github.io/

* More coming from Amazon I don't have the ability to easily cite just yet, I hope the re:Invent recordings go up somewhere sometime soon

* "EdenSCM is the primary source control system used at Facebook,": https://github.com/facebookexperimental/eden

There's a bunch of other stuff too, of course. Apple has been hiring, but I don't think their usage is public yet. Microsoft is hiring rustc hackers, and has some other stuff going on. And tons of other stuff that may count as "large" depending on how you define it.