- A build system / package manager like Nix [1] but with a better user experience / more straightforward command-line tooling.

- A dependently typed programming language like Coq [2] (or Agda, Idris, Lean, etc.) that is sufficiently approachable to gain enough mindshare that companies start adopting it for mission-critical work.

- A version control system which scales to petabytes or more. Something that I could put large video files in without thinking twice about it. Something a large company could use for their monorepo—or even their data warehouse.

- A note-taking tool that allows me to organize notes in a graph with links between them (like a wiki), not as files and folders in a tree, which enforces the invariant that every note is transitively reachable from some "root" (by following links) so I never lose a note.

- Something like Toast [3] but which is also designed for running services in production, not just local development and continuous integration. A unified way to run code in dev, test, and prod environments. A new k8s.

[1] https://nixos.org/

[2] https://coq.inria.fr/

[3] https://github.com/stepchowfun/toast (shameless plug)

> - A build system / package manager like Nix [1] but with a better user experience / more straightforward command-line tooling.

Working on it :)

> - A version control system which scales to petabytes or more. Something that I could put large video files in without thinking twice about it. Something a large company could use for their monorepo—or even their data warehouse.


> A note-taking tool that allows me to organize notes in a graph with links between them
