> I saw the pain points of git

What are these? Asking for real: it’s the second time I read a similar sentence on HN this week, without finding any specifics, so I’m curious

On the surface:

- Git is slow on large repos, even on an SSD.

- Git has trouble with large objects; git-annex and git-lfs sort of help, but are bolted on, not integral.

- Git's submodules are unergonomic at best.

- Git's CLI is a mess.


- Git has no idea of a conflict as a first-class object; hence merges and rebases with the user fixing the same conflicts multiple times (and `git rerere`). Compare this to Pijul.

- Git is line-oriented and has no notion of semantic diffs and semantic merges. This makes it a raw tool when working with, ironically, source code.

Don't get me wrong: the data structures and ideas on which git is based are beautiful and reliable. But something (even) better can be built on these ideas.

> Git is slow on large repos, even on an SSD.

Maybe on Windows, but then everything is slow on Windows. On my 2015-era machine `git pull` on the Linux kernel source tree is nearly instantaneous after the remote objects are downloaded. Same with `git status`, `git diff`, etc. I mean, that's what it was developed for, because everything else was slow.

How about `git status`?

The first SSD I bought back in 2008 was to put a large git repo on it; it helped. With much larger repos, like those I had to work with at Facebook, even an NVMe drive becomes a bit uncomfortable, and one has to use something like Watchman [1] to track changes without a rather noticeable delay.

[1]: https://github.com/facebook/watchman

Facebook uses mercurial across the board, at least from what I saw a couple years back. A good chunk of the large file / large repo has been open sourced as EdenFS [1] which uses file notifications to update the status as you make changes to amortize the cost so that it’s already computed by the time you query (watchman is integrated). That being said, very few code bases grow to this size unless you are a major tech company and have a single mono repo (with a few major OSS projects as notable counter examples).

[1] https://github.com/facebookexperimental/eden