I love no code! Wait. Wait. Hear me out... Building software is easy. Changing people's minds is damned near impossible.
As an engineer:
- I'm constantly handed shitty (or a complete lack thereof) requirements from non-technical people. No code lets people figure out that they haven't thought something out nearly as much as they think they have. I no longer am the bearer of bad news.
- I constantly see business people undervalue the design process or skip it all together. No code is making non-technical people realize that they have to plan out before they just throw engineers at a problem.
No code is changing the dialog around this. I see that as a net positive. Of course us software engineers know the problems around no-code - we'll deal with them as we deal with all problems.
Can you elaborate on the list of problems with no-code? Of course I'm not denying there are problems with no-code, I'd like to learn about other developers' issues, particularly with larger, longer-term projects.
Access to the code base - it's hard to build on top of, or around the platform
Long-term viability - if i build my company on top of your product, how can I be sure you'll always be around?
For transparency, I am the cofounder of Budibase: https://github.com/Budibase/budibase