> For loops are a bit strange too - you write
for (items) |item| {}
>, which means you specify the container before the per-element variable. Mentally I think of for as for something in many_things {} and so in Zig I constantly had to write it wrong and then rewrite.That does feel like the syntax is missing an "each" or a "with", as in "for each somethings as some do" or "with each somethings as some" - or in a similar terse/compact syntax:
each (items) |item| {}
I'm surprised there's no mention about (lack of) string type - considering the domain (advent of code). I've not found the time to actually work on aoc this year, but I also had a brief look at starting with Zig - and quickly met a bit of a wall between the terse documententation on allocator, and the apparent lack of standard library support for working with strings.I think the documentation will improve as the language stabilizes and there's likely to be more tutorials that work with text (both trivial like sirt/cat/tac in zig, and more useful like http or dns client and servers etc).
for strings, these might be good (haven't tried them yet):