Does Rust have a reach outside the C/C++ section of the market? Or is it only popular in its own bubble, where developers are now excited to see many of their once painful problems now fixed?

a lot of ruby people are into it, and there is some Go crossover.

a lot of us who don’t like that almost every new language turned into a jitted or interpreted universe like Go and Rust

I can see the crossover with Go, but Ruby?! What is the reason behind its attractiveness in the Ruby community?

I get that some developers believe that Rust is "better than Ruby" and that Rust has far more momentum, but their use cases are very different.

Yeah, it's surprising. A lot of Python people are in the community too, such as Armin, the creator of Flask.

I can't speak for Rubyists, but I find it a very strong complementary skill to Python, as it allows for writing things that are impractical in Python. And Rust feels friendlier as a Python-complement than C. Especially parallel C.

Receiving a compiler error in Rust is more appealing to me than debugging a segfault or race condition in C, especially since Rust will always tell me when one exists. Or more importantly, I can feel comfortable pushing new fast low-level code to production knowing it's not a risk. There's no ambiguity. "fearless concurrency" is not just a buzzword, it's partly what makes Rust fun and practical (for me). As well as the incredibly-fast start-up time of my Rust code compared to Python.

It is also appealing for Python programmers because of the increasingly-decent support for mixing the two languages without overhead, including publishing pure-Rust packages as python modules^1
