I absolutely despise the weasel words that this site uses. It is full of outright lies and contradictions. Most misleadingly:

All Sims make you chat. But this one for free and without limits.

It's not free, it costs €10 for a year. Why then do they also claim 'it never expires' ? Why do they say that it has no limits, when the Rates page is full of limits?

I despise such deliberately misleading text. These people are behaving appallingly. Put up a simple page explaining the costs please (even the Rates page talks in terms of 'credits' and can't bring itself to talk about actual money except in the small print).

The website leaves me with the impression that this company is out to con me.

Yup way too many mentions of "free, without limits", considering:

€10 per year but they say "no expiry".

€.25 per photo (sent or received, I think)

€.50 per video

That's just for Zone 1. More than triple those prices if you're in Australia or any Zone 2 country.. and more than 6 times those prices if you're in Canada or any Zone 3 country.

I've dealt with a small amount of MVNO negotiations and this company has put many red flags up in my mind.

It may be obvious to someone else, but I'd like to know how they detect a photo or video being sent, rather than text? WhatsApp is end-to-end encrypted, so they can't be proxying the data to the servers. Are they just guessing from the total data transfer seen from the subscriber?

There's a lot of unanswered questions. The CEO appears to have a fairly poor track record of running this kind of freemium global-SIM project, too, having done some digging. I'll watch with interest.

Differentiating pictures and videos from chat traffic is likely an easy traffic analysis problem, unless WhatsApp are using deliberate countermeasures.

How long before someone starts tunneling IP over WhatsApp messages?
