I spent years wasting time on Haskell and wouldn’t recommend it unless you find joy in the purely academic. I’ve never found a practical application for my knowledge and no one has ever paid me to write it. I suppose if I were willing to take a huge pay cut I could have found something, but you’re far better off completely mastering Go, C++, Python, gaining systems knowledge, etc. which people will pay you good money for. The “it teaches you to think a certain way” is IMO a really weak argument. It’s extremely difficult to master one language and you’re far better off going deep in something useful than exposing yourself at a surface level to every technology and paradigm.

> I spent years wasting time on Haskell and wouldn’t recommend it unless you find joy in the purely academic.

You must have chose to do academic things then because I was able to use it for simple real world applications the first day.

> The “it teaches you to think a certain way” is IMO a really weak argument

Not when it can be used with all other languages.

> no one has ever paid me to write it. I suppose if I were willing to take a huge pay cut I could have found something,

I got a pay raise and suspect many others would as well.

  > I was able to use it for simple real world applications the first day.
Considering GP's complaint was a common known idiosyncracy of Haskell, examples of your real world applications (first day or otherwise) would be appreciated!