My prediction: SQLite will keep gaining popularity.

Especially among pragmatic software builders who run their own business and do not work for the man. A demographic that I expect to grow.

Talking about SQLite: Is there any downside to partitioning an SQLite db into multiple files?

For example one of my systems has a table 'details' which is not vital for the system to work. It's just a nice to have, to have data in this table. And it is pretty big, growing fast.

When I copy the DB over to another system, I don't need that table. So it would be nice to have like primary.db and secondary.db. With 'details' in secondary.db. Any downside to this approach? Are JOINS slower across two files than across two tables in the same file?

The very problem of SQLite: Single user only. Although SQLite does have WAL but it still doesn't allow you to do concurrent write unless you want to see file corruption.

This means SQLite is very much locked to things that works with one specific purpose and almost nothing else. Sure, you can be read-only, but you have to run alongside the app in the specific node, too.

Another problem (although without solving the single user mindset this wouldn't be a problem at all) is high availability. You want to make sure that your database won't get lost do you.

Things like Litestream [1] attempts to solve the SQLite backup problem it by continuously saving the database state and pack t up to S3-compatibles or file system but its just half the story. You want to make sure your operation not stopping. This is where HA comes in to save you from an emergency fixup when you are enjoying your holiday.

It doesn't mean that nobody tried to solve both these problems though. Ahem, introducing rqlite [2]. Although my own experience is not very great because the memory usage is quite high and does not fit my need (because the embedded device only has 512MB on it, and every byte counts, sorry), I guess that's the price to pay if you want to turn a non-multiuser, non-concurrently acccess database into one...Another honorable mention would be LiteFS [3] but I haven't used it yet so I have no say on it.


