Interesting recommendation. I asked around here and turns out one of our designers actually owns the font! I'm going to give it a try for the next hour or so and see if it actually feels different enough for me to consider dropping the $200 on it. As first impression, the font feels "rounder" and I find it a bit harder to read.

Are there any other "non-usual" recommendations for writing code? I remember trying Nitti [0] for a while for, that's the font iA Writer uses.

/edit: After very short usage I already found one thing the author said to be true:

> While using Operator Mono, I found that I scan entire words as I read code more easily; while in other typefaces, my parsing style is often more letter-by-letter.

Not sure why this happens either. Maybe because the font feels more condensed? Single characters almost "merge" into blocks (words). Though it also feels a little bit harder on the eyes to read single characters.


I use Fira Code, it has ligatures