Saw this posted on emacs-news [1] asking for some feedback.

A thought I had about using dired as front-end to everything is that once you get more than 20 buffers open its unwieldy to find things. Working on several projects at once using the standard C-x b navigation or even Helm bindings seems to take too long.

That's why I still use a window manager that has workspaces with their own key (rebound alt-gr) and several copies of emacs and term emulators open.

Does anybody have positive things to say about something like "buffer groups" for emacs? Projectile or iBuffer. They're mentioned here [2] but alas I never had much joy with them.



Others have mentioned the awesome projectile, but I think it should be said that Emacs now has built in project.el which has come in leaps and bounds (though probably still lacks some projectile features).

I use project.el alongside consult[1] which has many convenient wrapper functions over built-in ones, like an enhanced `switch-to-buffer` with project support. I am actually using an even tighter integration called consult-project-extra[2].

The most advanced and overkill solution would probably be to use bufler.el[3] which basically allows you to define your custom logic for buffer grouping.


