Semi-related: What I really wish all my editors and IDEs would have is some kind of "delete history" view into my deleted text (especially blocks of text).

I'll often delete something, then work for a while, then realize I need that thing back again so I have to VERY carefully undo everything after the delete until I get to a point in history before it, copy the deleted text, then re-do everything back to my original state while making sure not to accidentally execute any inputs which would burn down the redo stack.

You can use “cut” instead of “delete” and clipboard with history tracking, for example Alfred on macOS.

Then you cut, do some changes, and later on realize you wanted something from the cut code, bring out the clipboard history and fish out what you need.

Emacs does this by default. Anything you delete ends up in the "kill ring", and you can cycle through that when pasting ("yanking") something. Packages like Consult[1] provide version of the yank-pop command that, instead of cycling through the kill ring, make it searchable.
