I used Mac and Windows alternately since 1997 until 2017 when I moved to Arch Linux with the i3wm Tiling Window Manager [0].

i3wm is easily one of the key things keeping me using Linux as my daily driver (personal + work). It's so simple yet deeply configurable. Sure, it takes a bit of time to tweak and get used to but IMO it has paid off massively. It has made using a computer just so much more of a joy. Whenever I use Mac and Windows I really miss i3wm. I spend barely any time moving Windows around - everything Just Works (with the caveat of some tweaking - but my config file is only about 100 lines of i3 declarations) and I've barely had to change it in 5 years.

I do go around shilling i3wm here and there on hn, purely just because it has provided me actual joy and I want others to know about it! I know the Apple crowd are fans of everything Just Working, and i3 comes with sensible defaults to enable that.

[0]: https://i3wm.org/

It is extremely hard to go back to anything else after i3wm, even when I do wish I could have some more things taken care of for me in a full fledged DE -- mostly stuff like touchpad configuration, polkit, theming. Longing for a central settings manager like KDE/Gnome, but still not worth it to give up the i3 world.

And yes, I know you can use KDE or Gnome as a DE to i3's WM, but the things you have to do to get it to work are very brittle and it feels very hacky, makes it not worth it.

Haven't had enough money for a Mac in the past decade, but this article makes a good case that I could at least tolerate it coming from i3!

I think I'll be getting a Macbook for work soon so did investigate TWMs for mac and Amethyst[0] comes up a fair amount. It will for sure be the first thing I try.

[0]: https://github.com/ianyh/Amethyst