Isn't this tab fatigue of every user not more a hint that bookmarking is broken?

I mean, no matter how I bookmark a website, omnibar is absolutely useless in every browser when it comes to re-discovering your bookmarks via keywords that you remember.

Sometimes I bookmark the same URL multiple times, because the Browser is too stupid to realize that a #generated-hashbang or a ?utm_source is a generated tracking parameter; and that it's actually the same URL with the identical content. In my opinion, bookmarks as implementations are seriously broken.

If we solve bookmarks _locally_, there ain't gonna be a "too many tabs" problem anymore.


I was a long time user of Xmarks for online bookmark syncing (cross platform and browser). I was sorely hurt when it was discontinued. I moved over to EverHelper.

These days I don't try to sync bookmarks to browsers, they inevitably get corrupted or lost somewhere shomehow. I just use the EverHelper website as my bookmark manager.

I'd love to find a open source thing I can host myself to fully own my bookmarks too so if anyone knows of that let me know.

I made a self-hosted pinboard clone that stores your bookmarks in sqlite w/ import from FF