Any BSD fans out there wish to persuade a happy Debian desktop user to take a BSD for a spin?
Linux systems are made by dozens of disparate teams, and it shows. Every command has a different syntax - just think about how "help" could be -h, --help, -help, -? etc
BSDs are very tightly integrated. The entire OS is very consistent and 'correct', down to the tiny and pedantic details like putting things under /usr that are usually installed in /bin, because that's the way it's supposed to be. (Ex. `/usr/local/bin/bash`)
Think of it like reading Wikipedia, no matter which page you read it seems like it was written by the same person. That's the kind of consistency that OpenBSD intends to create.
Just to clarify, Bash is installed under /usr/local because it’s from packages and not part of the base system.
The base shell, ksh, is at /bin/ksh.
You probably know that but I just felt like being pedantic this morning :).
The MirBSD Korn Shell also descended from pdksh, and it can be found here:
I don't know about the feature differences and code quality between these two; they both implement most of ksh88, and a small amount of ksh93.
I prefer mksh when I need something more than a POSIX shell.