My major critique is that the generated sites are needlessly javascript powered. Right when I saw the "Loading" I thought oh no how many assets are going to be downloaded... for just markdown content.

I guess I'm just an old web 1.0 guy but I just don't see and understand why everything must be done in a super dynamic way. Hell sometimes I like clicking on a link and watching the browser do the loading as it is confirmation for me the thing actually got loaded. Particularly when buying/shopping for stuff (ie traditional POST).

Aw...this makes me so sad.

I need to fix my brain. Every time I see "static sites", I think "oh great, no dynamic server or client code, just static HTML/CSS for fast loading".

If I'm going to have to undergo a "compile step" for my website, it's going to do something worthwhile, darn it.

I keep waiting for someone to write a program that consumes as input Markdown text and emits as output a pure HTML/CSS site literally like this except with the text from the Markdown file instead of swear words. Maybe it could even accept several Markdown files and make them into blog posts or something.

If nobody else does I guess eventually I'll get fed up and build it myself :\

Plenty of static site generators, as they're called, exist to do this. Good jumping-off points would be investigating Jekyll (written in Ruby) and Hugo (written in Golang).