As a programmer in training who has both Clean Code and Code Complete in a queue on the edge of my desk, I'm following this thread to decide which goes first, or if they both get sold in mint condition.

Code complete is a classic.

Clean code will teach you how writing 3 line functions is a best practice. It's an overhyped, overrated book which is more damaging than helpful and one of the very few I couldn't stand to read until the end due to the authors' dogmatic views.

That's interesting, I had the complete opposite reaction to clean code. As a person that recommends this book, with full heart, to every developer, I'd like to hear any details you could spare re: why you believe it's damaging? Maybe you can provide some examples of well-written codebases and why you believe they're such? And maybe you could comment on why you feel Clean Code's principles harm readability with some examples?

I find it painful working with codebases that don't use most of the principles re:

- Write code like good stories: Code should read like a story, methodically descending the call graph method by method; each working at one level of abstraction.

For example, why is string manipulation littered all over this function that's supposed to be dealing with consolidating reports? Ugh. I like when one function stays at one level of abstraction

- Factor out conditions into descriptive methods: I shouldn't have to sit and read through 5 logical operators, some arithmetic, and method calls in 1 'if' conditional, to understand why we're doing all this.

Once again, this goes back to having your code read like a story. Factor it out into a descriptive function, so that I can understand at a glance and deep dive if necessary.

- Comments are a failure: This applies 99.99% of the time. It's almost comical when someone leaves behind a comment that could be eliminated by factoring something out into a descriptive method call instead.

There's a lot of other great stuff in Clean Code that I'm forgetting off the top of my head. (It's been awhile since I last looked over it.)

I've come across very few code bases that are a literal pleasure to read. is one of the cleanest codebases that comes to mind immediately. And on the other side of the coin, is one of the dirtiest.

If anyone wants more details/expansion, let me know and I'll reloop. (On my phone right now.)