Shortness in a function is correlated with quality in design, but it doesn't cause quality in the design.

When we simply follow formulaic advice (keep all of your functions short) we lose sight of the wisdom behind why this was wanted in the first place.

The goal is to develop the wisdom, that makes you a great engineer, not to "follow all of the rules"

> The goal is to develop the wisdom, that makes you a great engineer, not to "follow all of the rules"

This is why books like Clean Code can be harmful. It can be extremely dogmatic if blindly followed, which is very common unfortunately.

Clean Code can be harmful? Or the person dogmatically applying the advice?

Martin warns against such blind dogmatism. He even goes so far as to explain the thought process behind most of his recommendations so that one may consider whether the rule applies or not.

On balance, Clean Code does far more good than it does bad.

I have yet to see these dogmatic Clean Coders blindly applying Martin's advice. Not in industry and certainly not in open-source. It's painful to work with most OSS.

Eugene Schwartz, one of The Godfather's of advertising, when asked, "How long should an ad be?" liked to say... as long as you can hold the reader's interest.

Much like Martin would say when asked how long a function should be... as long as you're working at the same level of abstraction.

> I have yet to see these dogmatic Clean Coders blindly applying Martin's advice.

You're lucky. I've seen it plenty of time. In one extreme case we even had to let go a perfectly (formerly) competent dev after he read that book and went crazy (yeah, seriously).

I'd be interested to see what his code looked like and how the code reviews progressed before firing him. I think these discussions are important, however, we must ground them in a concrete reality. That's what I appreciated about Clean Code, it was grounded in addressing real live code. And the reader is able to choose whether they agree with the conclusions or not.

With that said, all too often, like in this article, we get caught up in cute hypothetical scenarios an examples. There were no real-world examples given, just a bunch of hand-waving.

So in the interest of moving the discussion forward in a concrete way, I'd ask you what you think of these three C lexers; one written in Go by yours truly, GCC's, and LLVM's:




I always find it helpful to look at one problem solved different ways. Of course it's not always apples-to-apples but it's as close as you're going to get. Out of these three codebases, there is probably one you'd feel more comfortable working with. I merely threw mine in there because I wrote it as an exercise on what it'd be like to have a hand-written lexer read more like a story.

It has a focused interface, most functions are descriptively named and operate at a single-level of abstraction, and it's easy to intuit what a C lexer does even if you're not familiar with what they're supposed to do. I'm sure it'd be easy for most people to jump into my code and contribute.

Just like with LLVM's lexer. LLVM is far easier to jump in and contribute to than GCC.

However, and this is just an example that immediately jumps out to me since we're talking about it... doesn't it make sense to have this comment and code abstracted out into a respectively descriptive function instead:

  void Lexer::InitLexer(const char *BufStart, const char *BufPtr,
                     const char *BufEnd) {
    // ...
    // Check whether we have a BOM in the beginning of the buffer. If yes - act
    // accordingly. Right now we support only UTF-8 with and without BOM, so, just
    // skip the UTF-8 BOM if it's present.
    if (BufferStart == BufferPtr) {
      // Determine the size of the BOM.
      StringRef Buf(BufferStart, BufferEnd - BufferStart);
      size_t BOMLength = llvm::StringSwitch(Buf)
        .StartsWith("\xEF\xBB\xBF", 3) // UTF-8 BOM
      // Skip the BOM.
      BufferPtr += BOMLength;
    // ...
I mean think about it... we're concerned with initializing the lexer, why am I being bothered with this string manipulation minutia to determine whether there's a BOM or not? That could be extracted into a properly named function, the comment eliminated, and then I could trust that that function does exactly what it says on the tin can.

And there's plenty more places where this line of reasoning applies too.

Jekyll ( is another example of a codebase that's very easy to read, work with, modify, etc. It's very well-written. It follows Clean Code like principles where it makes sense.

On the other side of the coin we have Kubernetes ( which looks ready to collapse under its own complexity. It's supremely difficult to read and understand what's going on not because of the essential complexity of the problem but because of all the incidental complexity added by the code structure.

I could spend forever citing examples on both sides because I've spent a great deal of time thinking about this and talking with other seasoned developers.

If you (or anyone really) could, please offer up concrete examples grounded in real production code. I'm always interested to see more examples.

Specifically examples blind Clean Code dogmatism applied in the wild.