OK. Which flavor of markdown should we get every browser manufacturer to use?

My personal preference would be GitHub flavored markdown, since as a coder it includes a lot of very useful non-standard markups. The compromises it makes on the non-deterministic markup elements are acceptable as well.

I think this makes sense.

Many of the GitHub readmes are in markdown already, so people are quite familiar with it and there might already be an open source package that renders it out…

In fact, github itself can already render it out. Markdown based websites hosted for free on github: https://www.markdownguide.org/tools/github-pages/

I guess it wasn't clear, but I meant those markdowns are rendered on everyones github page.. But the whole github pages thing is new to me. Very cool and seems like what the blog post was asking for.

Its using "Jekyll" to render those "github-pages" sites https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll