So this is great but it might be worth pointing out that the library went from Canvas2D (slow) and ThreeJS (very general purpose) to pure WebGL calls tailored to the application, which alone probably would have been the significant driver behind the performance improvements. It’s hard to see exactly how much WASM has helped on top of that, and I wonder if a pure JS+WebGL version would perform about as well at the fraction of file size, complexity and parse speed.
Usually I wouldn’t recommend going WASM unless you have very hot CPU code paths, like physics across thousands of 3D bodies and collisions that is eating up your frame time. In the case of an image viewer I’m not sure that code is ‘hot’ enough in CPU terms to really warrant all this.
(I’d love to be proved wrong with benchmarks and find more general uses of wasm tho !)
Just my 2c. Really great write up and work nonetheless!
Thanks for the comment! I agree that the change to a custom tailored engine probably made the biggest difference performance wise. At the end of the article I also briefly mention this.
However, having a monolithic compiled Wasm module which contains all of (and only) the rendering logic is really nice on a codebase-level.
Also, the Wasm part of Micrio is being used for a lot of realtime matrix4 calculations. While I didn't use this specific library, here is a bench page which shows that Wasm really kills JS performance here: .
So it definitely makes a difference. If I had the time I would port the Wasm engine back to JS and do more benchmarking. But that's a big if :)
Check out these samples and have a look at the size in the browser devtools which are IMHO quite sensible:
PS: really great writeup btw :)