Rust seems like the right answer for a lot of things except writing servers. For that, Elixir with its Erlang VM seems like a better answer.
Are you aware of actix? What do you think of it?
I'm not aware, to be honest. I'm only now learning Elixir for a few weeks now and plan on taking up Rust next after building a small Elixir project.
What I found was: - Elixir, has awesome support for concurrency and zero-downtime deployments. Runs on Erlang VM. Inspired by Ruby.
- Rust - replacement C/C++ as the low-level programming language of the future for people who want to write pretty code.
> has awesome support for concurrency
so does rust.
> Rust - replacement C/C++ as the low-level programming language of the future for people who want to write pretty code.
It's not just that, it also replaces say python or ruby on the serverside.
> write pretty code.
Yeah, no, it's for people who want to be productive in a low level language.
The erlang vm is explicitly designed for concurrency. I wrote the raft protocol in elixir in about 300 lines of code.
Rust is great, but it's pretty hard to argue that any language has more awesome support for concurrency than the beam languages.
Rust: LOC: 15417
Erlang: LOC: 18012
Lines of code is not the only metric. I'm actually really curious about Erlang and Elixir but to be honest I do like type systems a lot. I also like the idea of idk...having one language for my os, db, front-end.