The BEAM is a huge win: having lightweight threads means you can often do away with things like Redis for job queues and PubSub stuff. I love this answer on StackOverflow by Elixir's creator:

So simple. Something that would require a job queue and a job runner fades away into a piece of the OTP application tree. When it crashes, it will even come right back up!

Phoenix feels a little too heavyweight for really small projects—maybe I'm spoiled having used Mojolicious's [0] single-file web servers. (Example on the linked page.) But for anything slightly larger, Phoenix scales really well. I work on a decently-large application in Phoenix for work and it's been an absolute joy to work with this langauge.

Typing could be better. Though, Dialyzer does a decent job of catching type errors. That's saved my neck on more than one occasion.


I don't really understand this sentiment of not needing a queue system. This is not much different from spawning a thread in Java to delay the email sending.

For any serious application you want a job like that to be persisted so you can guarantee it runs even if your application is restarted.

I know that Erlang/Elixir is designed for stateful applications and if you have a cluster and do hot deploys this is less of a problem, but who does that? Most Elixir applications I've seen are deployed as stateless systems just like any Ruby, Python, Node etc systems.

Having a queue means you have a distributed system. How do you handle network problems, errors/retries, back pressure? OTP has excellent idiomatic tools for all that and more.

Elixir developers who need a queue generally reach for Rabbit (which any language can use), or something backed in a database like rihanna[1] or honeydew[2]. Rolling your own distributed system is very much a last resort, and despite its excellent concurrency characteristics the BEAM still lacks basics such as a battle-tested raft implementation.

[1] [2]

> and despite its excellent concurrency characteristics the BEAM still lacks basics such as a battle-tested raft implementation.

A couple of years ago the RabbitMQ team has published a raft library[1] which they use in their implementation of persistent queues. It has a flexible API and implementing your own state machines is quite straightforward, as it follows the OTP gen_* behaviour paradigm.

And by now, I'd say it's pretty well battle-tested.
