> still CLI only?

With openssh in windows, it's been quite easy to run an x server in windows, and use ssh with x forward for gui access.

But rdp feels more native to windows, and both x and Wayland has rdp server backends - so you can do things like: https://www.nextofwindows.com/how-to-enable-wsl2-ubuntu-gui-...

But apparently ms is working on a Wayland compositor allowing directly running gui apps - I don't think it's quite there yet:



Somewhat related: https://ltsp.org/ I'm not sure about the state of a non-x rdp server for thin clients though.

Thanks for the links, some interesting stuff there! I think my end goal is to have a contained development environment whilst not being forced to use specific tools (i.e. VSCode remote debugging, eugh) and not sacrificing compilation times by running in a VM that's too slow.

From the look of it, if I were to set up the WSL2 Ubuntu GUI with RDP, that'd tick all the boxes, right? And as a bonus I'd be able to access files in WSL2 from Windows.

Any idea how WSL2 interacts with VPNs? I've seen some mixed reports around the web but this is also a must-have for me, if I can't use a VPN in my dev environment it's game over.

I have it working with vpn. We have vpn at work and it is forced tunneling mode. It modifies routes on my laptop. Since wsl2 is a vm on a different network the vpn client does not know about this network and doesn’t know how to route traffic. If you follows these instructions it solves the problem https://github.com/sakai135/wsl-vpnkit