As an experienced RHEL admin, a few years ago I probably would have said this is very bad advice in any professional context, and you should spend the time to learn it because it will save you one day.

Now, I think my advice would be: Put everything in a container, and learn how to run Docker or Podman (or k8s) in a secure way (ie no root containers, be very careful with volume mounts, etc). Yes, they aren’t as mature as SELinux, but containers aim to provide many of the same benefits that SELinux does (and even more) except in a way that’s much easier to manage. Even better is that these container runtimes often come with SELinux and AppArmor policies out of the box on good Linux distros.

Container approach is not always feasible, for example when you need to stay on bare metal. There are Linux applications where selinux definitely gets in your way and there are legitimate reasons to turn it off completely.

edit: I like how I'm getting down-voted for sharing factual information. No-one in high frequency trading employs containers because it doesn't help soft-realtime, low-latency goals. There are other performance-sensitive domains where containers aren't an option. Sometimes I feel like this place is turning into Reddit.

> when you need to stay on bare metal

What cases can linux containers not handle? Containers can access GPUs, /dev/kvm, block devices... I'm having trouble thinking of anything they can't do. After all, they're just processes in a glorified chroot, not that different from processes on the linux host.

Not sure about need but I do remember it being a pain in the ass to run anything that expects to be managing docker inside docker. Things like self hosted gitlab ci where its trying to start up containers itself.

> ...anything that expects to be managing docker inside docker.

Now that's an interesting problem to have!

If you trust those tools and don't have untrusted users or untrusted code, you can sometimes just mount /var/run/docker.sock and use the VM/VPS/server's Docker directly. It is actually the approach that was used by excellent tools like Portainer, though it's also really risky as well.

Alternatively, you can try to just run Docker in Docker (DinD), which is a bit more tricky and the opinions there are split about whether to do it and when to do it:

Of course, someone might also jump in and suggest that Docker is architecturally problematic (i don't care much, just want my containers to run, then again; i don't deal with untrusted code or any sort of multitenancy) and you should use Podman or another set of technologies, which is interesting advice but would necessitate other approaches.

In short, like with most technologies: Docker and OCI container in general get more messy as your requirements become more advanced. For the problems that they do solve easily (app packaging), they are pretty good, though!

One project in this space that looked quite promising to me is sysbox[0]. I've used them once for a gitlab runner set-up similar to what is described in their blog[1].

It's currently working great and I have not had any major crashes/incidents for at least the past 8 months.

