Talking about containers: is there an easy way to run “system” containers? This is, containers that run systemd and everything else you would expect to be running on a normal Linux OS. I rely heavily on VMs to simulate cloud environments, but I would love to use lightweight containers instead. Also, these “system” containers should be able to run containers inside them as well (docker in docker?).

I saw something on github the other day that may work (can’t remember the name, something about “box”), but it wasn’t available for Macos.

You are probably referring to Sysbox (, which I believe will meet your requirements (systemd, inner containers, security, etc).

Btw, Sysbox is already supported in Docker-Desktop (business tier only), so you can easily do what you want with this instruction:

$ docker run -it --rm -e SYSBOX_SYSCONT_MODE=TRUE bash

Disclaimer: I'm Sysbox's co-creator and currently working for Docker.