Fair warning to anyone picking up Clojure / ClojureScript: it can make you less productive by making your old tools insufferable.

It's like taking an automatic 2.5L turbo Subaru w/aircon for a spin and then getting back into your 1.3L Toyota Tazz - daily driving won't be as fun again for a while.

Lisp "ruined me" for a few years because after trying it I couldn't stand using anything that dit not have macros and Paredit. It's like the saying, "Beware of tasting freedom; it can make you psychologically unemployable."

For example, dealing with the abomination that is JSX when I could just write a pure ClojureScript function that returned Hiccup data structures that gets rendered to HTML. And you get isomorphism for free (one codebase on client and server).

I initially switched to Clojure for Datomic (the killer app for Clojure, IMO), but now I mainly write ClojureScript and use DataScript (datalog on the client) in every project.

Datomic really is a killer app in terms of its features, but it doesn’t seem to be targeted at solo/small teams with its pricing and licensing model.

Datascript looks interesting. I guess you get disk persistence with event sourcing?