Nice to see Datalog being validated by a big name, though I don't see what's modern about Logica in particular, or why one should use it over plain Datalog (as syntactical Prolog subset) when the available backends are restricted to SQL rewriters or locked-in to BigQuery. Will have to look into the model for aggregate queries which I guess is a selling point for Logica (as is modularization/composition with optimization), and a weak point since typically neither in Datalog (the decidable logic fragment) nor portable.
Edit: also I find the title a bit grandiose since this isn't about Logic Programming in general, but only database querying
> ...or why one should use it over plain Datalog...
I have been looking for examples of how to use a practical implementation of Datalog for years and the closest I've come to is actually miniKanren instead. Could you point me to codebases that productively use Datalog internally?