I’m sure there is a good reason but I never got why nodejs/js doesn’t have channels something like Go https://gobyexample.com/channels
Countless times I have wanted endpoints to send data at certain intervals via ws/http/etc and the have the node app upload them somewhere else in an orderly queue but that doesn’t really seem possible. But with this library or similar you can.
It just seems like a common use case that isn’t implemented natively.
The observable pattern is on track to become a standard. See rxjs
According to the TC39 ECMA262’s repo [1] (ECMA262 is a committee responsible for planning and creating new syntax that goes into JavaScript) Observables haven’t been brought up at a meeting in over three years and they are still at stage one of the four stage process. I’m not saying there’s not hope I’m just wondering if it will end up happening. Either way I’m fine with or without Observables as async iterators, Node streams, and WHATWG streams are already pretty powerful. In fact the creator of RxJS made a library based off iterators called IxJS that looks interesting and hopefully eventually iterators in JS will have iterator helpers [2] where you can chain things off of them (currently stage two and last talked about last year). Also another thing to keep your eye on in the standards process could possibly be emitter [3] it’s also stage 1 (like Observable) but was talked about last year as a kind of push based replacement for Subjects in RxJS/Observable land.
[1]: https://github.com/tc39/proposals/blob/master/stage-1-propos...
[2]: https://github.com/tc39/proposal-iterator-helpers
[3]: https://github.com/tc39/notes/blob/master/meetings/2019-06/j...