As a Windows native, for years I felt limited when shelling into Linux systems, because all editors felt weird to me. Obviously the solution would be "just learn vim already" but I'm lazy. I settled on nano because it at least shows what shortcuts are available, saving me from having to Google "how to find text in vim" every time. But its shortcuts are weird (to me) and even the descriptions are. UnCut? WhereIs? Huh?

Micro really got the UX right for people like me and it made me more happy than I expected. It's now the EDITOR on just about every non-GUI system I have access to and I love it.

Thanks, Micro authors!

I started to heavily using vim since the last few months because writing code through SSH is very attractive for my current situation.

For me, learning vim is like learning an foreign language, a few hundred words (or few hotkey/:commands for vim) can get you started, but it's not easy to reach the level of native speakers, and some old rules in your language (for example, HJKL keys in vim vs the "natural" arrow keys) will interfere your progress.

Maybe I'm going to piss many people off here, but vim is not an user-friendly text editor. An user friendly editor should pop some kind of prompt when I pressed the first g/G key and show me what I could press the next, not telling me to read :help (which probably has the volume of a dictionary at this point).

Based on my 2 minutes with Micro and the information I read from it's `help defaultkeys`, the size of it's hotkeys are more healthy and manageable. So that's a plus from me.

> An user friendly editor should pop some kind of prompt when I pressed the first g/G key and show me what I could press the next,

See vim-which-key [1] and which-key.nvim [2] for something similar to this.

