One thing I really liked about it was the UI experience where as soon as you typed the first character of some sequence it started showing you all the other option starting with the same character. (Try pressing space or Ctr-w in Normal mode) It made the whole thing far more explorable and I really thought it was a good experience although clearly not yet on par with something as fully mature as vim (but also with far less technical baggage).

The first thing I did on my vim setup was installing an extension which gave me very similar command completions.

> The first thing I did on my vim setup was installing an extension which gave me very similar command completions.

How did you do that? Were you also able to replicate the small popups that open when you press `m`, `g`, etc.?

Just an extension.

It is if you are interested.

>Were you also able to replicate the small popups that open when you press `m`, `g`, etc.?

Yes, although 'm' has a totally different meaning in vim (placing a mark), so there is no popup for that. But it works where there are actually sensible choices, even for marks it works and shows you every available one, which is pretty cool

If you're using Neovim you want this one:

New nvim api lets mappings add a desc which will get picked up automatically with this plugin.