Typefaces are an incredibly labor-intensive product to produce.
The more complete it is with respect to specialized features like ligatures, old-style figures, international lettering, weight variations, display-sized variants, etc. etc. the more this compounds upon itself.
Just think about that before you use this to download Gotham/Proxima Nova/whatever cool font you want to use but don't feel like paying for.
The problem is licensing, the prices for licensing is just absurd. Like to get a font to use in your app, you need to pay $5,000+ for any decent looking font. And if you are trying to design something - good luck downloading a font for a desktop to try it out. I am sure this system can be improved to benefit both font authors and font users
> Like to get a font to use in your app, you need to pay $5,000+ for any decent looking font.
There are many high quality open source fonts available. For example:
Many foundries such as Grilli Type have free trials (https://www.grillitype.com/free_trials) and reasonable pricing for very high quality typefaces (https://www.grillitype.com/shops/gt-america <$1k for desktop + web)