Looks pretty, but is there really no Vim extension? I couldn't find one on the Extensions page. This is a deal-breaker for me, I can't use an editor or IDE without Vim bindings, this would kill my productivity.

Is one planned, maybe?

This was the first thing I looked for too. Perhaps one is planned or perhaps they're counting on the community to write one using their API.

TBH the only feature I truly use JetBrains for is their Cmd+Click to jump to definition, otherwise I'd be happy sticking with tmux+vim as IDE (as I did for about a decade).

VIM can do this with a language server plugin now. It’s super refreshing to have compiler errors and symbol navigation inside native vim. Come back!

any pointers? i'd love to upgrade my beloved VIM from ctags-era navigation, but don't have time to shave the whole yak. Would love to hear your tips.

Multiple plugins are available to add LSP support in vim, such as coc.nvim (uses node.js, more features) or vim-lsp (lighter, written in vimscript).

Neovim is also going to add native LSP support as well as tree-sitter in their 5.0 release, it's already available in nightly builds.

The most straightforward option is probably coc.nvim, which tries to give a similar experience to VS Code out of the box.

https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim https://github.com/prabirshrestha/vim-lsp https://github.com/neovim/nvim-lspconfig https://github.com/neovim/neovim