My company used Keycloak for a long time (I'm not there any more) and I agree with everyone here, it works great, but it's hard to understand unless you already know oauth/oidc, and it is a huge binary.

While Keycloak is a great out-of-the-box solution, my #1 complaint at the time was how heavyweight it was, which was a burden for development, followed closely by its packaging as a J2EE app and bundling with Wildfly (at the time).

This meant we needed to know not only about Keycloak itself, but also about Wildfly's special quirks, the clustering system (Infinispan??), Java and Docker.

Now it's packaged with Quarkus, which is another dependency to learn about, and to be honest despite the quality of the finished product, all those dependencies have become pretty off-putting.

So while I can recommend Keycloak's functionality, if you're not already deploying Java apps as part of your job, I suspect it will present a pretty serious administrative burden to deploy into serious production.

You might want to have a look on zitadel [1]

If you are intrigued into the differences, you can read some of them here [2]

Oh and judging from your username: it could be interesting to you... because we use eventsourcing and cqrs ;-)

Disclaimer: I am one of the authors

