Only on internet forums like this I see people claiming about quitting facebook and so on.

I don't see the signs in the real world.

Having said that I too almost never used it from the beginning. I didn't need so many years to figure out why I'm not going to like it. I was on it in the early days just as a techy interested in internet technology then I gave it up and never looked back.

Mind you it has become only more socially costly to not be on it. A few times I tempted to get back in again at least in a limited capacity (just having a basic profile so people can message me if needed). But didn't.

I have also heard harsh comments and so on.

Like one person said (not directly to me) ... "what do you mean?!! don't you have any friends?".

More than anything what I find annoying is this expectation from the society that every person in the world must subject themselves to the invasion of Facebook for their convenience and amusement.

I don't go around ordering everyone must eat at my favorite Pizza joint. Why should the people be pressured to some private social network?

If it was more like email that isn't owned by any one entity I would be more understanding.

> If it was more like email that isn't owned by any one entity I would be more understanding.

Definitely. If it operated in a Manner similar to Mastodon then FB would be a lot more tempting to use for the limited purposes I feel I need access. All I would like to use it for is to get an RSS feed of news from various clubs and to be able to reply to such posts (e.g. to confirm that I'll attend an event they've advertised). Unfortunately, FB disabled the RSS feed some time ago and to use rss-bridge ( requires configuring proxies or trying to solve captchas. Even browsing the public page for an event will shove login boxes or random captchas in my face, and the more it is rammed down my throat the more I wish to avoid it.