The death of RSS/ATOM posts just confuses and amuses me. I am content with following all my favorite feeds (around 50) using QuiteRSS on the desktop. Have been doing this since the sunset of Google Reader. It works and there is a reason why popular bloggers and thought leaders publish a feed link on their blogs.

Sometimes I feel people who see RSS/ATOM as a dead thing stopped seeing the existence of RSS feeds in their circles and then proceed to proclaim it dead.

Not knowing how people might respond to this post I didn't think to be clearer.

The RSS protocol works as well as it ever did. I'm not mourning the protocol. And yes there are sites that do publish feeds, some even full-feeds but many just excerpts.

What I am mourning is the future where people published for themselves and shared content via RSS. But companies that depend upon advertising are inimical to that future and they won (at least for now).

It's that future that I mourn for.

I upped both of you. I didn't even really know about RSS up until recently (as in, I know what it is, looks like, etc. but never really used it). I find it sooo delightful that now I go looking for feeds, that (still?) basically every weblog has them. What a treasure! Definitely going to do something with it.

For websites without an RSS feed, you can try to generate one using self-hosting RSS Bridge[1]. There are some instances with open access, though supposedly some may work more reliably than others.
